
ciclo especialiatsa macrofacultad 2

ciclo especialistas macrofacultad 1

The presentations have been organized by the Chilean MacroFaculty of Engineering and Incubatec UFRO.

The UFRO started the series of presentations about emerging technologies in the field of engineering and science with a conference about computer security and digital identity, held by national and international specialists.

The cycle “Emerging Technologies: Expectations and Implementations” has been organized by Incubatec and the Chilean MacroFaculty of Engineering. During 2018, the project contemplates ten presentations on the fields of development of the students at the UFRO Faculty of Engineering and Science, with entrepreneurs and experts in technology.

“The idea of this series of conferences is to create the possibility for the students of the ten departments of our faculty to connect with outstanding entrepreneurs in the technological field regarding topics that are related to their careers,” the director of the MacroFaculty of Engineering, Gonzalo Bravo, explained. “We want to approach the students to innovation and entrepreneurship, with the help of young speakers who are becoming role models for them,” he said.

The first conference took place at the Co-work room at the UFRO MacroFaculty, with presentations by the co-founder and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Hackmetrix, Alejandro Parodi, and the director of Research and Development at, Javier Rodriguez.

The specialists spoke about “Startup computer security” and “Digital identity” and held the workshop “Capture the flag”, in which the vulnerability of websites has been analyzed.
“Today, computer security is a transversal topic for all study programs in technology, since there are several vulnerabilities in the areas hardware, robotics, fireware, Internet of things and software,” Alejandro Parodi, the co-founder and CISO of Hackmetrix, stated.

“This can help the students to make companies safer. As software developers, they can create hardware codes or devices, based on the idea of proactive security. In general, this topic is left out and people only think about it after being attacked. That can affect the company and damage the image of the programmers,” he added.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Hackmetrix, Adriel Araujo, claimed: “You have to know that an application is vulnerable when it has been programmed without the necessary validations or if the errors that permit hackers to enter the system have not been corrected. The first stage for security is when the programmer develops an application and it is important that he is conscious of that, because otherwise, there needs to be a tool for alert if a code is vulnerable.”

The series of conferences continues on July 5th, with a conference and workshop about current technologies in the field of sensors, virtual reality and smart cities.


Written by: Mauricio Antivil
Engineering Project 2030