
UFRO eduardo hebel columna




It may be true that COVID-19 is here to stay – at least until a vaccine is found – but what is definitely never going to leave is the digital age. Although it has gradually been establishing itself over the last years, this pandemic has clearly made it evolve more than ever through the use of the Internet, technological devices, ICT tools, forums, chats, blogs, the media, and so on. It is deeply transforming our habits, language, life and customs, and is installing a permanent digital culture.

Our society and the world have changed and we must be fully aware of that. This pandemic and the digital age are forcing us to leave old and harmful practices behind – with incredible speed – in order to reshape everything and to adapt. It is a new way of governing, living and working.

All of that is happening in the so-called VUCA context, which is an acronym for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, and describes the current environment in which institutions and people move. It is a scenario in which we are forced to adapt to the continuous changes that burst into our daily lives and affect our routines on the professional, family, economic and social level, amongst many others.

Nevertheless, if we manage to be aware of the nature and dynamics of these changes, as well as the speed with which they occur, we can work on new structures and more flexibility. This also implies a great number of challenges, for individuals as well as companies or institutions. Therefore, we must develop digital skills, knowledge and attitudes that can turn this pandemic into something useful after all.