UFRO bienvenida estudiantes extranjeros 2019

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A total of 60 international students from Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, the USA, the Netherlands, Mexico and Poland join the UFRO, together with three national students of other Chilean universities.

Each semester, students from different parts of the world decide to join the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), using the different agreements and student mobility programs for undergraduate studies. Besides, at their universities, they have a good impression of the UFRO and got positive recommendations from those who have already spent a semester or whole year studying at the UFRO.

This semester, a total of 60 international students from Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, the USA, the Netherlands, Mexico and Poland join the UFRO, together with three national students of other Chilean universities who opted for national mobility through the agreement of Universities of the State of Chile (CUECH).

For the Rector of the UFRO, Dr. Eduardo Hebel, student mobility is an essential pillar within the framework of internationalization. “Not only because we have the desire that our students can learn about different realities, but also because by receiving international students at our university, we can enrich a process of personal, professional and cultural growth,” he pointed out.

The university authority encourages the students to turn this experience into a time of great learnings. “Make the most of your stays! At the UFRO, you will be able to interact with a community of about 10 thousand undergraduate students, a thousand graduate students and more than 400 researchers, in other words, a great variety of human capital that is willing to help you,” he added.

The director of the International Affairs Office gave a warm welcome to the foreign students from about 30 universities and technical institutes from America and Europe. “We hope that everyone will be able to fulfill their expectations and goals. From our point of view, internationalization is more than a challenge in itself, but also a way to achieve greater quality and to fulfill our institutional objectives, without losing the value of interculturality, of the aspects that characterize us," she said.

Antonia Espinoza, who is in charge of the National and International Student Mobility Unit of the Universidad de La Frontera, affirmed: “We are very happy that we can welcome students from different universities each semester, thanks to our cooperation agreements.”


UFRO Ajoscha Karg

Ajoscha Karg, University of Groningen, Netherlands

“I am studying international relations and that is why I am going to join some classes in sociology, business engineering and social science. I wanted to improve my Spanish language skills and that’s why I thought that it would be a good idea to go to Chile. Besides, the UFRO is a small university and offers a sponsor program for new students, what makes it feel like a family and makes it easier to get to know the culture, which is another goal of mine.”

UFRO Valeria Patino

Valeria Patiño, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia

“I am happy to be here. The name of the university caught my attention, as well as everything I saw on its website. I am really happy because I can carry on my studies in construction engineering during a semester, and I want to return improved and with new knowledge, I want to soak up the culture. Although we both speak Spanish, it is not the same. It is different to study in Chile and I want to take everything with me, from the smallest to the biggest details.”

UFRO Wiebke Sabrina

Wiebke Sabrina, Coburg University, Germany

“I come from a small city in Germany and I am studying social work in the third year. My university has two agreements with Chilean universities, in Temuco and Concepción. And when I reviewed the assignments and elective courses, the ones of the UFRO seemed to be more interesting. I am going to participate in a workshop here for one semester, in social work, public health and intercultural relations, society and mapuche culture, and society and gender.”

UFRO Israel Astivias

Israel Astivias, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico

“I am very happy to be in Chile, since Chile is a good reference regarding the level of professionals and the training of the students. I searched on the internet and found the UFRO. Besides, with its impressive nature and culture, it adds other important characteristics. I study medicine and I want to learn about and gain experience in the treatment of patients.”



Written by: UFRO Communications Office