The Universidad de La Frontera fulfilled its challenge of providing a public guarantee for its quality assurance processes, consolidating its position as a comprehensive University, when it secured its fourth accreditation by the National Accreditation Commission (CNA) in the five strategic areas for six years (2018-2024).

This condition clearly sets the UFRO apart from other universities both regionally and nationally, because it indicates the degree of complexity that this University has acquired and places it among the top 10 in Chile.

Committed to the permanent search for quality, innovation and development, in 2018, the UFRO underwent the accreditation process in 5 areas, which are part of its Strategic Development Plan and were all approved by theCNA, again.



Institutional Management


Institutional management is understood as the set of policies and mechanisms designed to organize the institution’s actions and resources - material, human and financial - based on its declared purposes and intentions.It includes the institutional organization and structure, the system of government and the administration of human, material and financial resources.

Teaching Leading to a Qualified Degree

The dimension of teaching leading to a qualified degree includes the policies and mechanisms designed to ensure the quality of the programs and degrees offered, considering mainly the design and provision of programs, the teaching-learning process, academic/teaching staff, the student profile and addressing students’ needs,  and the use of the research results to improve the quality of the teaching.


Research involves the systematic activities in the search for new knowledge that have a substantial impact on the discipline, subject or area to which they belong.Their results are expressed in publications or patents.Being accredited in this area, the institution must develop top-quality systematic research activities in several areas, expressed in a significant number of research projects integrated into the national innovation system.

Graduate Teaching

Being accredited in this area, the University shows that it grants the academic degrees of doctorate, master and specialties in systematic programs organized to the standards of the National Accreditation Commission.These programs are active, with at least one generation of graduates, and are related to the Institution’s main lines of disciplinary development (in the case of doctorates) or to the main lines of disciplinary or professional development (in the case of the master's or specialty programs).

Outreach and Community Engagement

Outreach and community engagement refers to all those actions of interacting with regional, national or international stakeholders, be they of a public, private or social nature, which make it possible to improve and strengthen the performance of the Institution’s functions and tasks, contributing to the development of society, either in the areas undergraduate and graduate teaching, research and technological transference, continuous learning, technical assistance or outreach (academic, scientific, artistic, cultural, sport and recreation).