Facultad agropecuarias

Created in 1982, the aim of this faculty is the education of highly qualified professionals and postgraduates, to generate and transfer scientific and technological knowledge in the fields of agriculture, forestry, renewable natural resources and biotechnology, maintaining a permanent link with the environment with the purpose of contributing to the growth and sustainable development of the local community, the region and the country.

This faculty consists of the following academic departments: Department of Agricultural Production, Department of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Department of Forestry Science. We offer the following programs: Agronomy, Biotechnology, Engineering in Natural Resources, and Veterinary Medicine.

We provide three experimental properties for the different activities: Experimental Field Maquehue, Ecological and Cultural Park Rucamanque and Protected National Area Las Araucarias.

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adison altamirano 2024
Dr. Adison Altamirano Navarrete

ema bensch 2024
Director of Undergraduate Programs 
Ds. Emma Bensch Tapia

rene montalba 2024
Vice Dean
Dr. René Montalba

alex seguel 2024
Director of Outreach and Community Engagement
Dr. Álex Seguel Fuentealba

nestor sepulveda 2024
Director of Postgraduate Programs and Research
Dr. Néstor Sepúlveda Becker

patricio pachecojpg
Academic Secretary
Mr. Patricio Pacheco Cancino



Dr. Gustavo Aravena Paillalef
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Dr. John Quiñones Díaz
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Engineering in Natural Resources
Dr. Alejandra Fuentes Quiroz
alejandra.fuentes@uThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Veterinary Medicine
Dra. Rommy Díaz Pérez
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Department of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Rubén Carrillo L.
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Phone: (56) 45 2325639

Department of Agricultural Production
Juan Carlos García Diez 
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Fono: (56) 45 2325458

Department of Forestry Science
Dr. Ricardo González Jiménez
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Fono: (56) 45 2325641